Source code for polimorfo.datasets.coco

import copy
import json
import logging
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import DefaultDict, Dict, List, Set, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from import tqdm

from ..utils import maskutils, visualizeutils

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["CocoDataset"]

class MaskMode(Enum):

[docs]class CocoDataset: """Process the dataset in COCO format Data Format --------- annotation{ "id": int, "image_id": int, "category_id": int, "segmentation": RLE or [polygon], "area": float, "bbox": [x,y,width,height], "iscrowd": 0 or 1, } categories[{ "id": int, "name": str, "supercategory": str, }] """ def __init__(self, coco_path: str, image_path: str = None, verbose: bool = True): """Load a dataset from a coco .json dataset Arguments: annotations_path {Path} -- Path to coco dataset Keyword Arguments: images_folder {str} -- the folder wheer the images are saved (default: {'images'}) """ self.cats = dict() self.imgs = dict() self.anns = dict() # contains the next available id self.cat_id = 1 self.img_id = 1 self.ann_id = 1 self.index = None self.verbose = verbose = { "year":, "version": "1", "description": "dataset create with polimorfo", "contributor": "", "url": "", "date_created":, } self.licenses = {} self.coco_path = Path(coco_path) if image_path is None: self.__image_folder = self.coco_path.parent / "images" else: self.__image_folder = Path(image_path) if self.coco_path.exists(): with as f: data = json.load(f) assert set(data) == { "annotations", "categories", "images", "info", "licenses", }, "Not correct file format" = data["info"] self.licenses = data["licenses"] for cat_meta in tqdm( data["categories"], desc="load categories", disable=not verbose ): if cat_meta["id"] > self.cat_id: self.cat_id = cat_meta["id"] self.cats[cat_meta["id"]] = cat_meta self.cat_id += 1 for img_meta in tqdm( data["images"], desc="load images", disable=not verbose ): if img_meta["id"] > self.img_id: self.img_id = img_meta["id"] self.imgs[img_meta["id"]] = img_meta self.img_id += 1 for ann_meta in tqdm( data["annotations"], desc="load annotations", disable=not verbose ): if ann_meta["id"] > self.ann_id: self.ann_id = ann_meta["id"] self.anns[ann_meta["id"]] = ann_meta self.ann_id += 1 self.index = Index(self) @property def images_path(self): return self.__image_folder
[docs] def copy(self): """returns a copy of the given dataset Returns: [CocoDataset]: a copy of the dataset """ new_coco = CocoDataset("fake.json", image_path=self.__image_folder.as_posix()) new_coco.cats = copy.deepcopy(self.cats) new_coco.imgs = copy.deepcopy(self.imgs) new_coco.anns = copy.deepcopy(self.anns) new_coco.cat_id = self.cat_id new_coco.img_id = self.img_id new_coco.ann_id = self.ann_id new_coco.licenses = self.licenses = new_coco.index = copy.deepcopy(self.index) return new_coco
[docs] def reindex(self, by_image_name=True): """reindex images and annotations to be zero based and categories one based""" old_new_catidx = dict() new_cats = dict() for new_idx, (old_idx, cat_meta) in enumerate(self.cats.items(), 1): old_new_catidx[old_idx] = new_idx cat_meta = cat_meta.copy() cat_meta["id"] = new_idx new_cats[new_idx] = cat_meta self.cat_id = new_idx self.cat_id += 1 old_new_imgidx = dict() new_imgs = dict() if by_image_name: sorted_imgs_items = sorted( self.imgs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["file_name"] ) else: sorted_imgs_items = self.imgs.items() for new_idx, (old_idx, img_meta) in tqdm( enumerate(sorted_imgs_items), "reindex images", disable=not self.verbose ): old_new_imgidx[old_idx] = new_idx img_meta = img_meta.copy() img_meta["id"] = new_idx new_imgs[new_idx] = img_meta self.img_id = new_idx self.img_id += 1 new_anns = dict() for new_idx, (old_idx, ann_meta) in tqdm( enumerate(self.anns.items()), "reindex annotations" ): ann_meta = ann_meta.copy() ann_meta["id"] = new_idx ann_meta["category_id"] = old_new_catidx[ann_meta["category_id"]] ann_meta["image_id"] = old_new_imgidx[ann_meta["image_id"]] new_anns[new_idx] = ann_meta self.ann_id = new_idx self.ann_id += 1 del self.cats del self.imgs del self.anns self.cats = new_cats self.imgs = new_imgs self.anns = new_anns self.index = Index(self)
[docs] def update_images_path(self, func): """update the images path Args: update_images (UpdateImages): a class with a callable function to change the path """ for img_meta in tqdm(self.imgs.values(), disable=not self.verbose): img_meta["file_name"] = func(img_meta["file_name"])
[docs] def get_annotations(self, img_idx: int, category_idxs: List[int] = None) -> List: """returns the annotations of the given image Args: img_idx (int): the image idx category_idxs (List[int]): the list of the category to filter the returned annotations Returns: List: a list of the annotations in coco format """ if not self.index: self.reindex() if category_idxs is None: category_idxs = list(self.cats.keys()) anns_idx = self.index.imgidx_to_annidxs.get(img_idx) annotations = [] for idx in anns_idx: ann = self.anns[idx] if ann["category_id"] in category_idxs: annotations.append(ann) return annotations
[docs] def compute_area(self) -> None: """compute the area of the annotations""" for ann in tqdm( self.anns.values(), desc="process images", disable=not self.verbose ): ann["area"] = ann["bbox"][2] * ann["bbox"][3]
def __len__(self): """the number of the images in the dataset Returns: [int] -- the number of images in the dataset """ return len(self.imgs)
[docs] def merge_categories(self, cat_to_merge: List[str], new_cat: str) -> None: """Merge two or more categories labels to a new single category. Remove from __content the category to be merged and update annotations cat_ids and reindex data with update content. Args: cat_to_merge (List[str]): categories to be merged new_cat (str): new label to assign to the merged categories """ catidx_to_merge = [ idx for idx, cat_meta in self.cats.items() if cat_meta["name"] in cat_to_merge ] self.merge_category_ids(catidx_to_merge, new_cat)
[docs] def merge_category_ids( self, cat_to_merge: Union[List[int], List[str]], new_cat: str ) -> None: """Merge two or more categories labels to a new single category. Remove from __content the category to be merged and update annotations cat_ids and reindex data with update content. Args: cat_to_merge (List[int | str]): categories to be merged new_cat (str): new label to assign to the merged categories """ new_cat_idx = max(self.cats.keys()) + 1 self.cats = { idx: cat for idx, cat in self.cats.items() if idx not in cat_to_merge } self.cats[new_cat_idx] = { "supercategory": "thing", "id": new_cat_idx, "name": new_cat, } for ann_meta in tqdm( self.anns.values(), "process annotations", disable=not self.verbose ): if ann_meta["category_id"] in cat_to_merge: ann_meta["category_id"] = new_cat_idx self.reindex()
[docs] def remove_categories(self, idxs: List[int], remove_images: bool = False) -> None: """Remove the categories with the relative annotations Args: idxs (List[int]): [description] """ for cat_idx in idxs: if cat_idx not in self.cats: continue for idx in tqdm( list(self.anns), "process annotations", disable=not self.verbose ): ann_meta = self.anns[idx] if ann_meta["category_id"] == cat_idx: del self.anns[idx] del self.cats[cat_idx] if remove_images: self.remove_images_without_annotations() self.reindex()
[docs] def remove_images_without_annotations(self): idx_images_with_annotations = {ann["image_id"] for ann in self.anns.values()} idx_to_remove = set(self.imgs.keys()) - idx_images_with_annotations for idx in idx_to_remove: del self.imgs[idx] self.reindex()
[docs] def remove_missing_images(self): """remove the images missing from images folder""" to_remove_idx = [] for idx in self.imgs: img_meta = self.imgs[idx] path = self.__image_folder / img_meta["file_name"] if not path.exists(): # There could be paths that have whitespaces renamed (under windows) alternative_path = self.__image_folder / img_meta["file_name"].replace( " ", "_" ) if not alternative_path.exists(): del self.imgs[idx] to_remove_idx.append(idx) print("removed %d images" % (len(to_remove_idx)))
[docs] def count_images_per_category(self): """get the number of images per category Returns: list -- a list of tuples category number of images """ if not self.index: self.reindex() return { self.cats[cat_id]["name"]: len(set(imgs_list)) for cat_id, imgs_list in self.index.catidx_to_imgidxs.items() }
[docs] def count_annotations_per_category(self, sort_by="value") -> Dict[str, int]: """the count of annotations per category Args:s sort_by (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to 'value'. Returns: list -- a list of tuples (category_name, number of annotations) """ if not self.index: self.reindex() result = { self.cats[cat_id]["name"]: len(set(anns_list)) for cat_id, anns_list in self.index.catidx_to_annidxs.items() } if sort_by == "key": return dict(sorted(result.items(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=False)) elif sort_by == "value": return dict(sorted(result.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
[docs] def keep_categories(self, ids: List[int], remove_images: bool = False): """keep images and annotations only from the selected categories Arguments: id_categories {list} -- the list of the id categories to keep """ filtered_cat_ids = set(ids) self.cats = { idx: cat for idx, cat in self.cats.items() if idx in filtered_cat_ids } self.anns = { idx: ann_meta for idx, ann_meta in self.anns.items() if ann_meta["category_id"] in filtered_cat_ids } if remove_images: self.remove_images_without_annotations()
[docs] def remove_images(self, image_idxs: List[int]) -> None: """remove all the images and annotations in the specified list Arguments: image_idxs {List[int]} -- [description] """ set_image_idxs = set(image_idxs) self.imgs = { idx: img_meta for idx, img_meta in self.imgs.items() if idx not in set_image_idxs } self.anns = { idx: ann_meta for idx, ann_meta in self.anns.items() if ann_meta["image_id"] not in set_image_idxs } catnames_to_remove = { cat_name for cat_name, count in self.count_annotations_per_category().items() if count == 0 } self.cats = { idx: cat_meta for idx, cat_meta in self.cats.items() if cat_meta["name"] not in catnames_to_remove } self.reindex()
[docs] def remove_annotations(self, ids: List[int], remove_images: bool = False) -> None: """Remove from the dataset all the annotations ids passes as parameter Arguments: img_ann_ids {Dict[int, List[Int]]} -- the dictionary of image id annotations ids to remove """ set_ids = set(ids) self.anns = {idx: ann for idx, ann in self.anns.items() if idx not in set_ids} # remove the images with no annotations if remove_images: self.remove_images_without_annotations() self.reindex()
[docs] def dumps(self): """dump the filtered annotations to a json Returns: object -- an object with the dumped annotations """ return { "info":, "licenses": self.licenses, "images": list(self.imgs.values()), "categories": list(self.cats.values()), "annotations": list(self.anns.values()), }
[docs] def dump(self, path=None, **kvargs): """dump the dataset annotations and the images to the given path Args: path ([type]): the path to save the json and the images Raises: ValueError: [description] """ if path is None: path = self.coco_path else: path = Path(path) with open(path, "w") as fp: json.dump(self.dumps(), fp)
[docs] def save_idx_class_dict(self, path: Union[str, Path] = None) -> Path: """save the idx class dict for the dataset Args: path (Union[str, Path], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. Returns: Path: [description] """ if path is None: path = self.images_path.parent / "idx_class_dict.json" idx_class_dict = { str(idx): cat_meta["name"] for idx, cat_meta in self.cats.items() } with open(path, "w") as f: json.dump(idx_class_dict, f) return path
[docs] def save_images_and_masks( self, path: Union[str, Path], cats_idx: List[int] = None, remapping_dict: Dict[int, int] = None, min_conf: float = 0.5, min_num_annotations: int = None, mode: MaskMode = MaskMode.MULTICLASS, ) -> Tuple[Path, Path]: """Save images and segmentation mask into folders: * segments * images * weights.csv that contains the pairs image_name, weight children of the specified path Args: path (Union[str, Path], optional): the path to save the masks. Defaults to None. cats_idx (List[int], optional): [an optional filter over the classes]. Defaults to None. remapping_dict (Dict[int, int], optional): a remapping dictionary for the index to save. Defaults to None. min_conf (float): the min confidence to generate the segment, segments with conf below the threshold are replaced as 255 ignore_index (int): the value used to replace segments with confidence below min_conf min_num_annotations (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to None. """ path = Path(path) path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) images_path = path / "images" images_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) segments_path = path / "segments" segments_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) scores = [] scores_path = path / "images_weights.csv" for img_idx, img_meta in tqdm( self.imgs.items(), f"saving masks in {path.as_posix()}", disable=not self.verbose, ): # skip images and mask with less than min_num_annotations if (min_num_annotations != None) and ( len(self.get_annotations(img_idx)) < min_num_annotations ): continue src_img_path = self.__image_folder / img_meta["file_name"] dst_imag_path = images_path / img_meta["file_name"] if src_img_path.exists() and (not dst_imag_path.exists()): shutil.copy(src_img_path, dst_imag_path) name = ".".join(Path(img_meta["file_name"]).name.split(".")[:-1]) if mode.value is MaskMode.MULTICLASS.value: segm_path = segments_path / (name + ".png") if segm_path.exists(): continue segm_img, avg_score = self.get_segmentation_mask( img_idx, cats_idx, remapping_dict, min_conf ) elif mode.value is MaskMode.MULTILABEL.value: segm_path = segments_path / (name + ".npy") if segm_path.exists(): continue segm_img, avg_score = self.get_segmentation_mask_multilabel( img_idx, cats_idx, remapping_dict, min_conf ), segm_img) scores.append(f"{},{avg_score}\n") cat_idx_dict = dict() for idx, cat in self.cats.items(): cat_idx_dict[cat["name"]] = idx with open(scores_path, "w+") as f: f.writelines(scores) with open(path / "cat_idx_dict.json", "w") as f: json.dump(cat_idx_dict, f) return images_path, segments_path
[docs] def save_segmentation_masks( self, path: Union[str, Path] = None, cats_idx: List[int] = None, remapping_dict: Dict[int, int] = None, min_conf: float = 0.5, mode: MaskMode = MaskMode.MULTICLASS, ) -> None: """save the segmentation mask for the given dataset Args: path (Union[str, Path], optional): the path to save the masks. Defaults to None. cats_idx (List[int], optional): [an optional filter over the classes]. Defaults to None. remapping_dict (Dict[int, int], optional): a remapping dictionary for the index to save. Defaults to None. min_conf (float): the min confidence to generate the segment, segments with conf below the threshold are replaced as 255 mode: (MaskMode): the mode to save the mask if multiclass are saved as png else as npy file """ if path is None: path = self.__image_folder.parent / "segments" else: path = Path(path) path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) for img_idx, img_meta in tqdm( self.imgs.items(), f"saving masks in {path.as_posix()}", disable=not self.verbose, ): name = ".".join(Path(img_meta["file_name"]).name.split(".")[:-1]) if mode is MaskMode.MULTICLASS: segm_path = path / (name + ".png") if segm_path.exists(): continue segm_img, _ = self.get_segmentation_mask( img_idx, cats_idx, remapping_dict, min_conf ) elif mode is MaskMode.MULTILABEL: segm_path = path / (name + ".npy") if segm_path.exists(): continue segm_img, _ = self.get_segmentation_mask_multilabel( img_idx, cats_idx, remapping_dict, min_conf ), segm_img) cat_idx_dict = dict() for idx, cat in self.cats.items(): cat_idx_dict[cat["name"]] = idx with open(path.parent / "cat_idx_dict.json", "w") as f: json.dump(cat_idx_dict, f)
[docs] def remap_categories(self, remapping_dict: Dict[int, int]) -> None: for ann in tqdm(self.anns.values(), desc="renaming category idxs"): if ann["category_id"] in remapping_dict: ann["category_id"] = remapping_dict[ann["category_id"]] cats = dict() for idx, cat in self.cats.items(): if idx in remapping_dict: new_idx = remapping_dict[idx] else: new_idx = idx cat["id"] = new_idx cats[new_idx] = cat self.cats = cats self.cats = dict(sorted(self.cats.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])) self.index = Index(self)
[docs] def get_segmentation_mask_multilabel( self, img_idx: int, cats_idx: List[int] = None, remapping_dict: Dict[int, int] = None, min_conf: float = 0.5, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]: """get a segmentation mask for multilabel task with shape [C, H, W] Args: img_idx (int): [description] cats_idx (List[int], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. remapping_dict (Dict[int, int], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. min_conf (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.5. Returns: Tuple[, float]: [description] """ img_meta = self.imgs[img_idx] height, width = img_meta["height"], img_meta["width"] anns = self.get_annotations(img_idx, cats_idx) n_classes = len(self.cats) target_image = np.zeros((height, width, n_classes), dtype=np.uint8) for ann in anns: # fiter by score score = ann["score"] if "score" in ann else 1.0 if score < min_conf: continue cat_idx = ann["category_id"] if remapping_dict is not None and cat_idx in remapping_dict: cat_idx = remapping_dict[cat_idx] cat_mask = ( maskutils.coco_poygons_to_mask([ann["segmentation"]], height, width) .astype(np.bool8) .squeeze(0) ) target_image[cat_mask, cat_idx - 1] = 1 return target_image, 1
[docs] def get_segmentation_mask( self, img_idx: int, cats_idx: List[int] = None, remapping_dict: Dict[int, int] = None, min_conf: float = 0.5, ) -> Tuple[Image.Image, float]: """generate a mask and weight for the given image idx Args: img_idx (int): [the id of the image] cats_idx (List[int], optional): [an optional filter over the classes]. Defaults to None. remapping_dict (Dict[int, int], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. min_conf (float): the min confidence to generate the segment, segments with conf below the threshold are replaced as 255 ignore_index (int): the value used to replace segments with confidence below min_conf Returns: Tuple[Image.Image, float]: [description] """ img_meta = self.imgs[img_idx] height, width = img_meta["height"], img_meta["width"] anns = self.get_annotations(img_idx, cats_idx) target_image = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) score = 0 count = 0 segmentations = [obj["segmentation"] for obj in anns] if len(segmentations): annotation_masks = maskutils.coco_poygons_to_mask( segmentations, height, width ) elements = [] for i, obj in enumerate(anns): elements.append( { "id": obj["category_id"], "area": obj["area"], "mask": annotation_masks[i], "score": obj["score"] if "score" in obj else 1.0, } ) # order the mask by area elements = sorted(elements, key=lambda x: x["area"], reverse=True) for elem in elements: if elem["score"] < min_conf: continue score += elem["score"] count += 1 if remapping_dict is not None and elem["id"] in remapping_dict: target_image[elem["mask"] == 1] = remapping_dict[elem["id"]] else: target_image[elem["mask"] == 1] = elem["id"] target = Image.fromarray(target_image) avg_score = score / count if count else count return target, avg_score
[docs] def load_image(self, idx): """load an image from the idx Args: idx ([int]): the idx of the image Returns: [Pillow.Image]: [] """ path = self.__image_folder / self.imgs[idx]["file_name"] return
[docs] def mean_pixels(self, sample: int = 1000) -> List[float]: """compute the mean of the pixels Args: sample (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1000. Returns: List[float]: [description] """ channels = { "red": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0, } idxs = np.random.choice(list(self.imgs.keys()), sample) for idx in tqdm(idxs, disable=not self.verbose): img = np.array(self.load_image(idx)) for i, color in enumerate(channels.keys()): channels[color] += np.mean(img[..., i].flatten()) del img return [ channels["red"] / sample, channels["green"] / sample, channels["blue"] / sample, ]
[docs] def add_category(self, name: str, supercategory: str) -> int: """add a new category to the dataset Args: name (str): [description] supercategory (str): [description] Returns: int: cat id """ self.cats[self.cat_id] = { "id": self.cat_id, "name": name, "supercategory": supercategory, } self.cat_id += 1 return self.cat_id - 1
[docs] def add_image( self, file_name: Union[str, Path], height: int, width: int, **kwargs ) -> int: """Add a new image to the dataset . Args: file_name (Union[str, Path]): the file name holding the image height (int): the height of the image width (int): the width of the image Returns: int: [description] """ if isinstance(file_name, Path): file_name = file_name.as_posix() self.imgs[self.img_id] = { "id": self.img_id, "width": width, "height": height, "file_name": file_name, "flickr_url": "", "coco_url": "", "data_captured":, } self.img_id += 1 return self.img_id - 1
[docs] def add_annotation( self, img_id: int, cat_id: int, segmentation: List[List[int]], area: float, bbox: List, is_crowd: int, score: float = None, ) -> int: """add a new annotation to the dataset Args: img_id (int): [description] cat_id (int): [description] segmentation (List[List[int]]): [description] area (float): [description] bbox (List): [description] is_crowd (int): [description] score (float): [optional score of the prediction] Returns: int: [description] """ assert img_id in self.imgs assert cat_id in self.cats metadata = { "id": self.ann_id, "image_id": img_id, "category_id": cat_id, "segmentation": segmentation, "area": area, "bbox": bbox, "iscrowd": is_crowd, } if score: metadata["score"] = score self.anns[self.ann_id] = metadata self.ann_id += 1 return self.ann_id - 1
[docs] def crop_image( self, img_idx: int, bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float], dst_path: Path ) -> str: """crop the image id with respect the given bounding box to the specified path Args: img_idx (int): the id of the image bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float]): a bounding box with the format [Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax] dst_path (Path): the path where the image has to be saved Returns: str: the name of the image """ dst_path = Path(dst_path) img_meta = self.imgs[img_idx] img = self.load_image(img_idx) img_cropped = img.crop(bbox) / img_meta["file_name"]) return img_meta["file_name"]
[docs] def enlarge_box(self, bbox, height, width, pxls=10): """enlarge a given box of pxls pixels Args: bbox ([type]): a tuple, list of np.arry of shape (4,) height (int): the height of the image width (int): the width of the image pxls (int, optional): the number of pixels to add. Defaults to 10. Returns: boundingbox: the enlarged bounding box """ bbox = bbox.copy() bbox[0] = np.clip(bbox[0] - pxls, 0, width) bbox[1] = np.clip(bbox[1] - pxls, 0, height) bbox[2] = np.clip(bbox[2] + pxls, 0, width) bbox[3] = np.clip(bbox[3] + pxls, 0, height) return bbox
[docs] def move_annotation( self, idx: int, bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float] ) -> Dict: """move the bounding box and the segments of the annotation with respect to given bounding box Args: idx (int): the annotation idx bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float]): the bounding box Returns: Dict: a dictioary with the keys iscrowd, bboox, area, segmentation """ ann_meta = self.anns[idx] img_meta = self.imgs[ann_meta["image_id"]] img_bbox = np.array([0, 0, img_meta["width"], img_meta["height"]]) # compute the shift for x and y diff_bbox = img_bbox - np.array(bbox) move_width, move_height = diff_bbox[:2] # move bbox bbox_moved = copy.deepcopy(ann_meta["bbox"]) bbox_moved[0] += move_width bbox_moved[1] += move_height # move segmentations segmentations_moved = copy.deepcopy(ann_meta["segmentation"]) for segmentation in segmentations_moved: for i in range(len(segmentation)): if i % 2 == 0: segmentation[i] += move_width else: segmentation[i] += move_height ann_meta_moved = { "iscrowd": ann_meta["iscrowd"], "bbox": bbox_moved, "area": ann_meta["area"], "segmentation": segmentations_moved, } return ann_meta_moved
[docs] def load_anns(self, ann_idxs): if isinstance(ann_idxs, int): ann_idxs = [ann_idxs] return [self.anns[idx] for idx in ann_idxs]
[docs] def show_image( self, img_idx: int = None, img_name: str = None, anns_idx: List[int] = None, ax=None, title: str = None, figsize=(18, 6), colors=None, show_boxes=False, show_masks=True, min_score=0.5, min_area: int = 0, cats_idx: List[int] = None, color_border_only: bool = False, line_width: int = 2, font_size: int = 10, ) -> plt.Axes: """show an image with its annotations Args: img_idx (int, optional): the idx of the image to load (Optional: None) in case the value is not specified take a random id img_name (str, optional): the name of the image to load anns_idx (List[int], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. ax ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. title (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to None. figsize (tuple, optional): [description]. Defaults to (18, 6). colors ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. show_boxes (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. show_masks (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to True. min_score (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.5. cats_idx (List, optional): the list of categories to show. Defaults to None to display all the categories color_border_only (bool, optional): if True color only the border of the component. Defaults to False, font_size (int, optional): the font size default is 10 Returns: plt.Axes: [description] """ if img_idx is None: if cats_idx is not None: imgs = [] for cat in cats_idx: imgs.extend(self.index.catidx_to_imgidxs[cat]) img_idx = np.random.choice(imgs, 1)[0] else: img_idx = np.random.randint(0, self.img_id) if img_name is not None: values = [ idx for idx, img_meta in self.imgs.items() if img_meta["file_name"] == img_name ] img_idx = img_idx if len(values) == 0 else values[0] img = self.load_image(img_idx) if title is None: title = self.imgs[img_idx]["file_name"] if anns_idx is None: anns_idx = self.index.imgidx_to_annidxs[img_idx] anns = [self.anns[i] for i in anns_idx] if cats_idx is not None: anns = [ann for ann in anns if ann["category_id"] in cats_idx] boxes = [] labels = [] scores = [] masks = [] for ann in anns: boxes.append(ann["bbox"]) labels.append(ann["category_id"]) if "segmentation" in ann and ann["segmentation"] is not None: mask = maskutils.polygons_to_mask( ann["segmentation"], img.height, img.width ) masks.append(mask) if "score" in ann: scores.append(float(ann["score"])) if not len(scores): scores = [1] * len(anns) if len(masks): masks = np.array(masks) else: masks = None if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) idx_class_dict = {idx: cat["name"] for idx, cat in self.cats.items()} if colors is None: colors = visualizeutils.generate_colormap(len(idx_class_dict) + 1) visualizeutils.draw_instances( img, boxes, labels, scores, masks, idx_class_dict, title, ax=ax, figsize=figsize, colors=colors, show_boxes=show_boxes, show_masks=show_masks, min_score=min_score, min_area=min_area, box_type=visualizeutils.BoxType.xywh, color_border_only=color_border_only, line_width=line_width, font_size=font_size, ) return ax
[docs] def show_images( self, idxs_or_num: Union[List[int], int] = None, num_cols=4, figsize=(32, 32), show_masks=True, show_boxes=False, min_score: float = 0.5, min_area: int = 0, cats_idx: List[int] = None, color_border_only: bool = False, line_width: int = 2, font_size: int = 10, colors=None, ) -> plt.Figure: """show the images with their annotations Args: img_idxs (Union[List[int], int]): a list of image idxs to display or the number of images (Optional: None) If None a random sample of 8 images is taken from the db num_cols (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 4. figsize (tuple, optional): [description]. Defaults to (32, 32). show_masks (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to True. show_boxes (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. min_score (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.5. min_area (int, optional): the min area of the annotations to display, Default to 0 Returns: plt.Figure: [description] """ if idxs_or_num is None: img_idxs = np.random.choice(list(self.imgs.keys()), 8, False).tolist() elif isinstance(idxs_or_num, int): img_idxs = np.random.choice( list(self.imgs.keys()), idxs_or_num, False ).tolist() else: img_idxs = idxs_or_num num_rows = len(img_idxs) // num_cols fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(num_rows, num_cols, figure=fig) gs.update(wspace=0.025, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. class_name_dict = {idx: cat["name"] for idx, cat in self.cats.items()} if colors is None: colors = visualizeutils.generate_colormap(len(class_name_dict) + 1) for i, img_idx in enumerate(img_idxs): ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) ax.set_aspect("equal") self.show_image( img_idx, ax=ax, colors=colors, show_masks=show_masks, show_boxes=show_boxes, min_score=min_score, min_area=min_area, cats_idx=cats_idx, color_border_only=color_border_only, line_width=line_width, font_size=font_size, ) return fig
[docs] def make_index(self): self.index = Index(self)
class Index(object): def __init__(self, coco: CocoDataset) -> None: self.catidx_to_imgidxs: DefaultDict[int, Set[int]] = defaultdict(set) self.imgidx_to_annidxs: DefaultDict[int, Set[int]] = defaultdict(set) self.catidx_to_annidxs: DefaultDict[int, Set[int]] = defaultdict(set) for img_idx in coco.imgs.keys(): self.imgidx_to_annidxs[img_idx] = set() for idx, ann_meta in coco.anns.items(): self.catidx_to_imgidxs[ann_meta["category_id"]].add((ann_meta["image_id"])) self.imgidx_to_annidxs[ann_meta["image_id"]].add((idx)) self.catidx_to_annidxs[ann_meta["category_id"]].add(idx)