Source code for polimorfo.utils.maskutils

import cv2
import numpy as np
import pycocotools.mask as mask_util
from matplotlib.pyplot import contour

__all__ = [

[docs]def mask_to_polygon( mask, min_score: float = 0.5, approx: float = 0.0, relative: bool = True ): """generate polygons from masks Args: mask (np.ndarray): a binary mask min_score (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.5. approx (float, optional): it approximate the polygons to reduce the number of points. Defaults to 0.0 relative (bool, optional): it the value of the approximation is computed on the relative amount of point or with respect to all the points Returns: [type]: [description] """ mask = (mask > min_score).astype(np.uint8) mask = cv2.copyMakeBorder(mask, 1, 1, 1, 1, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours( mask, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, offset=(-1, -1) ) polygons = [] for cnt in contours: if approx > 0: if relative: epsilon = approx * cv2.arcLength(cnt, True) else: epsilon = approx approx_poly = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, epsilon, True) else: approx_poly = cnt # we need to draw a least a box if len(approx_poly) >= 4: approx_flattened = approx_poly.flatten().tolist() polygons.append(approx_flattened) return polygons
[docs]def polygons_to_mask(polygons, height, width): """convert polygons to mask. Filter all the polygons with less than 4 points Args: polygons ([type]): [description] height ([type]): [description] width ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: a mask of format num_classes, heigth, width """ polygons = [polygon for polygon in polygons if len(polygon) >= 8] if len(polygons) == 0: return np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8) rle = mask_util.frPyObjects(polygons, height, width) rle = mask_util.merge(rle) return mask_util.decode(rle)[:, :]
[docs]def area(mask, min_score=0.5): mask = (mask > min_score).astype(np.uint8) return int(mask.sum())
[docs]def bbox( polygons, height, width, ): p = mask_util.frPyObjects(polygons, height, width) p = mask_util.merge(p) bbox_xywh = mask_util.toBbox(p) return bbox_xywh
def bbox_from_mask(mask): """return the bounding box from the given mask Args: mask ([type]): [description] Returns: List: a list of format [x_min, y_min, w, h] """ pairs = np.argwhere(mask == True) if len(pairs) == 0: return None, None, None, None min_row = min(pairs[:, 0]) max_row = max(pairs[:, 0]) min_col = min(pairs[:, 1]) max_col = max(pairs[:, 1]) w = max_col - min_col h = max_row - min_row return [float(min_col), float(min_row), float(w), float(h)]
[docs]def coco_poygons_to_mask(segmentations, height, width) -> np.ndarray: masks = [] for polygons in segmentations: mask = polygons_to_mask(polygons, height, width) # mask = np.any(mask, axis=2) masks.append(mask) if masks: masks = np.stack(masks, axis=0) else: masks = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) return masks